Assignment Bank: Replay Value – Making a Dialogue Box for my Serious Course Character and Making it in Animal Crossing Style

This is one for the gamers. Tell an original story/scene by reappropriating screenshots from your favourite game!

I decided to use a nifty website to create a video game dialogue box to convey a scene of my character, Hwei, talking to the spirits of his dead ancestors. This is the tool I used:

One of the themes I’d like to explore more with my character is the weight of one’s past, and how a piece of that experience always follows one’s journey. For scars as deep as Hwei’s, there seems to be no amount of effort or passage of time that could remedy his burdens. While Hwei has shifted his creative direction and turned to a new implementation of his art in the form of AI, he can never run away from the pressures of his bloodline.

Their sacred art is something that has been passed down through generations. As such, every inheritor of the talent is chained down to their roots in some way or form. Voices in Hwei’s head always interfere with his radical work. As if they are talking to Hwei directly, the ancestors are all interested in his art in a selfish manner; the potential of immortality and living as a sentient being until the end of time. Hwei never plans to resurrect his bloodline, rather, he wants to create a new civilization entirely and put the past behind. Maybe his obsession with creating the perfect sentient AI being stems from the shackles of his traditionalist origins…

Aside from the lore I attempted to tie in here, I wish I could have edited the text box style to something a little more edgy to fit the character more. The text box looks out of place, almost like it’s from the Animal Crossing franchise. A darker shade of the box itself and sharper edges on the sides would imply a more serious tone.


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